Thursday 27 September 2012


There are a few things that I need to do know which includes the specifics of my font cover image and cover lines, a full list of what will be in my magazine and the photos I will need to take and what will be the topic of my double page spread article.

Cover page
My cover page will have the majority of the page filled with the face of my singer or the lead singer of my chosen band below this person will be the name of the band or singer and what they are announcing as the feature. Above them will be my title which is now “Replay” and above that will be the side bar with extra information to bring in more customers. To the right of the title will be the issue number and since it’s the first it will be a large ‘1st’ and to the left will be the price and since it’s the first issue it will be £2. To the left of the feature image will be a row of over articles featuring the other articles with artists. To the right will be text telling the details of the magazines like the interviews and the upcoming albums. Below that will be another feature of the magazine. The final feature of the front cover is the barcode at the bottom of the page.

Contents page
The contents page deign is based off the more popular magazines like Kerrang. Covering most of the pages will the main image of the feature article. In my magazine, there is a variety of interesting articles and topics that should keep my target audience entertained. This will include:
·        News
·        Interviews
·        Gigs
·        Gossip
·        Posters
·        Competitions
·        Albums
Also a multiple types of articles about famous bands will be included. There are a few images that I will be adding to my page; I need a suitable photo that is big and attractive enough for my audience. Also I will need several photos for my contents page to fill up my page and to attract readers

Double page spread
My double page spread will feature a new and up coming artist by the name of “Will Haddock”.  My article will speak about him coming to terms with leaving his family to begin his career; his exit from his semi-successful band “Outcast Creek” and his fight to survive in the harsh and competitive minefield, the music industry. The page will feature one photo of him as the background, the rest being all text from the interview I had with him. This artist will also feature on other pages like the front cover and the contents page aswell.

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