Tuesday 29 January 2013

7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

My script for the video:

As I look back at the preliminary task, and were I am now, I think that my Photoshop skills have greatly improved since I now know how to edit things like I never thought I could, for example, I have learned about the effects and styles I could do to the text instead of it just being there, like adding a drop shadow or adding a thick stroke, now it is apart of the page with it's own style. I feel the amount I have learned about music magazines and that industry has greatly helped more to understand more about magazines. From looking at other well known magazines I have discovered the conventions that I needed for mine to be successful, like the style of the font of the title for my front cover, the articles that I chose to put in my magazine and to put a color scheme that looks good, with colors that support each other. Also the cover star's stance was based upon the cover star for other another magazine so their work has inspired me. It also granted me an understanding of how a magazine would be produced, like I wasn't sure of how a publishing company gets involved with an independent to make them mainstream so this has been of great help when producing mine.

If I were to start this project again I would put more time into the production of my main work, for example, I don't think my contents page is the best it could of been, so the extra work I could put into it would help immensely. Also I would look more into the research of magazine industry so I can gain a better understanding of the work and so I have professional style magazine. I would also take better quality photos for this project as the one I have took are quite low quality, so that improvement would help all the better.

When I began this project I knew quite little about the work I was doing so after doing a fair amount of research into music magazines and the music industry I feel I have a better understanding of why music magazines are successful, specifically in are poor economy since magazines and newspapers are becoming obsolete.

I have learnt a lot about time management, like trying to keep my work up to date and I have never used my blogger before so I have learnt a lot from this as well, like creating new posts. Overall I feel that this project has given me a greater understanding of Photoshop, the music magazine industry and media in general.

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