Tuesday 29 January 2013

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?


My music magazine is aimed at specific target audience, who are around 16-21, the point of choosing these people is  because I know what people around this age group would be in to and what they are listening to because I have the right age to be in the target age group. Also, giving out some of the questionnaires I produced, all of my sample should have been within this age group of people, so I used their ideas and suggestions, and made use them towards my magazine production. Furthermore, since I attend college and the majority of my time is spent with this age group, I have an idea of what people are interested in and what attracts young people to buy certain things over others.
My magazine is not aimed at a specific ethnicity so there should not be anything biased in my magazine or in any of the pages. Also I haven’t set a specific gender which this magazine should be aimed at, the questionnaire I gave out had roughly 15 males and 15 females, which is a 50/50 ratio, so I was able to consider the attractiveness of my magazine to both genders with the creation the features in my magazine.
The magazine is also based in the north-west, this is mainly because the list of gigs and new artist that I created for the magazine is largely supported here, but it does have news on other bands and gigs in a number of other places within the country. Also, the new and upcoming artists will just be around and near to this area, this is because of the spot where I live and go to college.

This is a group of students which the magazine would aimed at. I took this image from a google search. This shows it invloves a group of students who appear to be a part of my target demographic and involves both genders and multiple. ages 

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