Tuesday 29 January 2013

7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

My script for the video:

As I look back at the preliminary task, and were I am now, I think that my Photoshop skills have greatly improved since I now know how to edit things like I never thought I could, for example, I have learned about the effects and styles I could do to the text instead of it just being there, like adding a drop shadow or adding a thick stroke, now it is apart of the page with it's own style. I feel the amount I have learned about music magazines and that industry has greatly helped more to understand more about magazines. From looking at other well known magazines I have discovered the conventions that I needed for mine to be successful, like the style of the font of the title for my front cover, the articles that I chose to put in my magazine and to put a color scheme that looks good, with colors that support each other. Also the cover star's stance was based upon the cover star for other another magazine so their work has inspired me. It also granted me an understanding of how a magazine would be produced, like I wasn't sure of how a publishing company gets involved with an independent to make them mainstream so this has been of great help when producing mine.

If I were to start this project again I would put more time into the production of my main work, for example, I don't think my contents page is the best it could of been, so the extra work I could put into it would help immensely. Also I would look more into the research of magazine industry so I can gain a better understanding of the work and so I have professional style magazine. I would also take better quality photos for this project as the one I have took are quite low quality, so that improvement would help all the better.

When I began this project I knew quite little about the work I was doing so after doing a fair amount of research into music magazines and the music industry I feel I have a better understanding of why music magazines are successful, specifically in are poor economy since magazines and newspapers are becoming obsolete.

I have learnt a lot about time management, like trying to keep my work up to date and I have never used my blogger before so I have learnt a lot from this as well, like creating new posts. Overall I feel that this project has given me a greater understanding of Photoshop, the music magazine industry and media in general.

6) What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

5) How did you attract/address your audience ?

I handed out questionnaires in order to get an idea of why people buy certain music magazine and what articles mostly appeal appeals to them when reading a magazine.
The highest answers to my questions, like the best title font, I used in my magazine, for example, the colour scheme that would go best with my magazine style, what cover story to use and what types of articles appeals to them, plus to make sure if people saw it in a shop it would stand out.
When I asked people what they liked to see in a in music magazine article and what they would like to see more of the best responses were a chart of new music, interviews and new and upcoming bands and gigs. So I will make these a regular feature of my music magazine.

From using a colour scheme of Yellow, black, white and red I feel I have left the gender ratio equally fair and hopefully either gender will want to read this music magazine.
For the age range my magazine is for (16-21) I think the main aspect is the cover star and who is on the front of the cover page, I think most people, especially the target audience, will buy this because it will be someone they recognize from something or someone they may find inspiring, so I made sure this was a good picture.
Most people said they would pay around £2-£2.50 for my magazine, this is important because if I were to make the price any higher than this may dissuade people who wouldn't buy it and be put off buying it at all. I think it is important to have a fair and reasonably low price, especially for the age range of 16-21 do not have a lot of disposable income and may only have part time jobs, so they may not want won't to pay for magazines if they will be to unreasonably over priced since their price limit may be something which they can afford.

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

For my magazine, I chose to do it for ages 16-21,because of the reason that I am in this age range and the people I asked for my questionnaire were also in this age range. The point of this was so then I could see what they wanted to see in a magazine, plus I would gain a better understanding of what attracts people towards a magazine. Furthermore, trends and fashion are always changing, so to be with students at college encourages me see what people are in to, this will keep the magazine in trend with the current trends of the target audience. Students tend to get ideas from their Favorite celebrities and bands, this largely influences  their fashion sense so some people might create bands because of their idols and the music they listen to.

The fashion celebrities wear plus their hairstyles has a large influence with students which makes them a huge source of inspiration and source for creativity. So this means I have to make sure that the music is up to date so that people are interested in the magazine. 
I chose to do a indie/alternative magazine and I didn't make use of a color scheme of largely bright colors  this is so it appeals to mainly people who would be interest in music by bands other DJ's or singers. I used a color theme of black, red, yellow and white so that it appeals to both genders to keep it open and not make it a one gender specific magazine. I feel this also gave it a more neutrally mature look, plus the style of the fonts allowed more attention to the magazine so a purchase can be made. Also the style allows older teens to be drawn to it rather than appealing towards younger teenagers. My magazine appeals to all ethnicity's and hopefully no one will take any offence if they feel uncomfortable with their ethnicity. 

3) What kind of media institution might distrubute your media product and why?

Bauer Publishing

This is a publishing company who are popular over Europe, in places such as the UK, Spain and Portugal. The company is a German publishing company based in Hamburg and operates in 15 countries. The company was founded in 1875 and has been growing ever since, this shows it's a reliable company and it has a good reputation. Bauer publishes Q magazine, take a break, Bella, and other magazines along these lines.
I believe this would be a company I would publish with as it already has a number of music magazine that it publishes with. Also it appears to have loyalty to other magazine so it is a well known company.
My magazine should be available in newsagents and shops which publish magazines, like WHSmith. It would also be available in supermarkets which sell magazines Along with the various other magazines available.

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?


My music magazine is aimed at specific target audience, who are around 16-21, the point of choosing these people is  because I know what people around this age group would be in to and what they are listening to because I have the right age to be in the target age group. Also, giving out some of the questionnaires I produced, all of my sample should have been within this age group of people, so I used their ideas and suggestions, and made use them towards my magazine production. Furthermore, since I attend college and the majority of my time is spent with this age group, I have an idea of what people are interested in and what attracts young people to buy certain things over others.
My magazine is not aimed at a specific ethnicity so there should not be anything biased in my magazine or in any of the pages. Also I haven’t set a specific gender which this magazine should be aimed at, the questionnaire I gave out had roughly 15 males and 15 females, which is a 50/50 ratio, so I was able to consider the attractiveness of my magazine to both genders with the creation the features in my magazine.
The magazine is also based in the north-west, this is mainly because the list of gigs and new artist that I created for the magazine is largely supported here, but it does have news on other bands and gigs in a number of other places within the country. Also, the new and upcoming artists will just be around and near to this area, this is because of the spot where I live and go to college.

This is a group of students which the magazine would aimed at. I took this image from a google search. This shows it invloves a group of students who appear to be a part of my target demographic and involves both genders and multiple. ages 

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challange the forms and conventions of real media products?

Here is the script for the evaluation and the video I recorded:

My music magazine challenges the different forms other mags as it uses develops and then challenges other more well known magazines like kerrang or NME

I use the design of particular kerrang magazines as I feel their styles  color schemes etc can be suited for the style that I am trying to do. My mags similar styles are based upon the rocky look of kerrang but with a modern spin, like my title was designed to have modern look but still be custom to music.

The ways in which I developed my magazine genre and style was based upon music that I listen to personally plus those that were chosen from the completion of my questionaries. Also I had planned to have a good relationship with those who would regularly read it and give feedback on how well I do. What I mean by all this is that I would like a community surrounding my magazine that could compete with other well known magazines.

The way in which I planed to challenge other mainstream magazines was to give my magazine features a look that could be well known, or if the title could be recognized as well as other mainstream magazines. Thankfully my designs were said by my audience feedback, to be as good as a professional level magazine as the color scheme of the pages go hand in hand and the articles chosen should be interesting enough for the reader to want to pick up a copy of mine over another. Also I challenge other magazines with the style of music, since I personally chose the genre and I am in the target audience, being 16-21, I know what people my age want to listen to so this gives me an advantage over magazines like NME and Kerrang.